金銀花,忍冬, 用英語怎麼說?教你用英語寫一篇關於金銀花的美文


kiss -me-at-the- gate

金銀花,忍冬, 用英語怎麼說?教你用英語寫一篇關於金銀花的美文


Put some kiss-me-at-the-gate in your tea, it's good for your health.



如果單身的你,聽到別人說kiss-me-quick先別激動的衝上去 哈哈哈


The girl with a 「kiss-me-quick」 hat is my girlfriend.


Kiss him quick, she's off, good bye!



Acacia - 金合歡

Acacia - 金合歡

Aloe - 蘆薈

Aloe - 蘆薈

Alpenrose - 阿爾卑斯玫瑰

Rhododendron ferrugineum - 高山玫瑰杜鵑花

Amaranth - 不凋花

Amaranthus - 莧屬

American Lotus - 美國蓮花

Nelumbo lutea - 黃蓮花

Anise hyssop - 北美藿香

Agastache foeniculum - 茴藿香

Azalea - 杜鵑花

Rhododendron - 杜鵑花屬

Bearberry - 熊莓

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - 熊果

Begonia - 秋海棠

Begonias tuberhybrida - 球莖秋海棠

Bluebell - 野風信子

Hyacinthoides non-scripta - 藍鈴花

Bluet - 藍花草

Houstonia caerulea - 美耳草

Camellia - 山茶花

Camellia sasanqua - 茶梅

Carnation - 康乃馨

Dianthus caryophyllus -康乃馨

Catmint - 貓薄荷

Nepeta nervosa - 具脈荊芥

Chrysanthemum - 菊花

Chrysanthemum indicum - 野菊

Common poppy - 虞美人花

Papaver rhoeas - 虞美人

Coneflower - 松果菊

Echinacea - 紫錐菊

Cupcakes white - 波斯菊

Cosmos bipinnatus - 秋英

Daffodil - 水仙花

Narcissi - 水仙花

Dahlia - 大麗花

Dahlia - 大麗花

Daisy - 雛菊

Bellis perennis - 雛菊

Feverfew - 小白菊

Tanacetum parthenium - 短舌匹菊

Flamingo flower - 火鶴花

Anthurium andraeanum - 花燭

Hibiscus - 木槿

Hibiscus - 木槿

Hyacinth - 風信子

Hyacinthus - 風信子

Hydrangea - 繡球花

Hydrangea arborescens - 繡球花屬

Iris - 鳶尾花

Iris - 鳶尾花

Lavender - 薰衣草

Lavandula angustifolia - 薰衣草

Lilac - 丁香花

Syringa - 丁香屬

Lily - 百合

Lilium - 百合屬

Marguerite - 野菊花

Argyranthemum frutescens - 木茼蒿

Marigold - 金盞花

Tagetes - 萬壽菊屬

Moonflower - 月光花

Ipomoea alba - 月光花

Nightshade - 龍葵

Solanaceae - 茄科

Orchid - 蘭花

Orchidaceae - 蘭科

Peony - 牡丹

Paeonia officinalis - 芍藥

Petunia - 矮牽牛花

Petunia - 碧冬茄屬

Primrose - 報春花

Primula vulgaris - 牛舌櫻草

Rose - 玫瑰

Rosa - 薔薇屬

Sunflower - 向日葵

Helianthus - 向日葵屬

Thistle - 薊花

Cirsium - 薊屬

Tickseed - 金雞菊

Coreopsis - 金雞菊屬

Treasure flower - 勳章菊

Gazania - 勳章菊

Tulip - 鬱金香

Tulipa - 鬱金香

Violet - 紫羅蘭

Viola - 堇菜屬

Water lily - 睡蓮

Nymphaea - 睡蓮屬

Wisteria - 紫藤

Wisteria frutescens - 紫藤屬

Which flower do you like best?

=What's your favourite flower?


-Shooting star.

Baby’s breath - 滿天星

Gypsophila paniculata - 圓錐石頭花

Bachelors button - 矢車菊

Centaurea cyanus - 矢車菊

Balloon flower - 氣球花

Platycodon grandiflorus - 桔梗

Black-eyed Susan - 黑心金光菊

Rudbeckia fulgida - 金光菊

Bleeding heart - 荷包牡丹

Dicentra spectabilis - 荷包牡丹

Busy Lizzie - 鳳仙花

Impatiens walleriana - 蘇丹鳳仙花

Butterfly bush - 醉魚草

Buddleja davidii - 大葉醉魚草

金銀花,忍冬, 用英語怎麼說?教你用英語寫一篇關於金銀花的美文








kiss -me-at-the- gate,they tare beautiful flowers,they are cherish nature's gifts to human.

kiss -me-at-the- gate swaying gently in the breeze, sending out a faint fragrance, this is honeysuckle. Also known as honeysuckle, it is a beautiful and unique plant.

The first time I saw it was one morning when I was taking a walk in the park and happened to smell a faint fragrance. Following the scent, I found several small and delicate kiss -me-at-the- gate in a clump of green vines. Their long and soft petals were a delicate light yellow and white color, interwoven together like a beautiful work of art.

I observed these kiss -me-at-the- gates carefully and noticed that although they were not large, they were blooming very abundantly. Each flower seemed to be telling me its story. The vines of the honeysuckle were intertwined together, forming a green ocean, and the flowers were like pearls in the ocean, shining with a dazzling light.

金銀花,忍冬, 用英語怎麼說?教你用英語寫一篇關於金銀花的美文

It is said that a long time ago, there was a highly skilled doctor named Lonicera japonica, who was deeply loved and respected by the people. One day, while gathering herbs on the mountain, he discovered a strange plant with flowers of both gold and silver. Lonicera japonica brought this plant back home and after studying it, discovered that it had the efficacy of clearing heat, detoxifying, and anti-inflammatory. So, he used it to treat patients and the effect was remarkable. Later, people named this plant after the doctor in honor of him.

kiss -me-at-the- gate is not only beautiful, but also has high medicinal value. It can be used to treat colds, coughs, sore throats, and other diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine, It is also a commonly used medicinal herb. Looking at these beautiful kiss -me-at-the- gates, I couldn't help but marvel at the wonders and beauty of nature. Every plant has its unique value and meaning, and we should respect and protect them.

As I left the park, I looked back one last time at these kiss -me-at-the- gates. They were still swaying gently in the breeze, seemingly saying goodbye to me. I thought to myself that I would always remember these beautiful honeysuckle flowers and cherish nature's gifts even more.

